Op Shop
Rotary Recycled Treasures
Thank you to our regular shoppers and cheerful volunteers
for ensuring our reopening attracted some opportunity shopping
and discovery of treasures.
Watch this space for opening times over the Australia Day weekend.
What do we sell?
The shop is well-known for both its high quality women's clothing and for the quick turnover of stock - so there's always something new to try on and buy! There is also a very good selection of books and bric-a-brac as well as a good selection of curios and collectables.
We want your Donations!
We need good quality items... please do NOT donate clothes or other goods that are damaged or not saleable. You can drop off goods at the rear entrance to the shop in Park Road.
We do not accept:
TVs – please contact Whitehorse Council recycling on 9262 6333 – they will collect from your nature strip at no cost to you or advise you where you can recycle them;
Large Furniture – contact Eastern Emergency Relief on 9874 8433 and they will pick up from your house - at no cost to you;
Prams, Strollers Pushers etc. These have stringent safety requirements and it is too risky for us to sell them secondhand; and
Computers and large electrical items – Contact Whitehorse Council on 9262 6333 – they will either collect from your nature strip or advise where you can recycle them.
Also, if possible, bring your donations in bags - not in cardboard boxes. We can reuse the bags but with cardboard, we end up with huge amounts to get rid of - thank you!